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Latest Ads in Billings City
Welcome home! Discover this beautifully updated 5-bedroom, 2-bathroom mid- town gem. Fully remodeled, the home features recently redone hardwood floors and is freshly painted throughout, creating a...
This fully operational Airbnb duplex is a ready-made investment opportunity with consistent returns. Ideally located close to hospitals and vibrant downtown nightlife, its well-suited for short-term...
Bright and cheery new construction home by HAD Inc! Located in a great Heights location. Step through the front door to an open concept layout with tons of natural light. The spacious living area...
Welcome to this stunning 2021-built ranch-style home, situated on a half-acre corner lot in the desirable Skycrest Subdivision. Surrounded by beautiful homes, it offers an open living concept with a...
Welcome to this stunning home by Bob Pentecost Construction, ideally located in the desirable High Sierra neighborhood near SkyView. With quick access to the new Inner Belt Loop, commuting is a...
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